I think that many young people find me puzzling.  I'm honest and I hate cheats.  I have a surprisingly high moral code and I don't deliberately do things wrong. Sadly, I've been in trouble when I've been misunderstood.  I do like to do my own thing, and I dislike rules and traditions when I can't see a need for them. Perfectionism is my middle name.
When Charlie Higson wrote that James' lucky number was seven, I had to smile.  Add the numbers of my birth date and they happen to add up to - yes, you've guessed it - 7!
I'd like to say a special thanks to Charlie Higson for making his books such a super read, and how very much I have enjoyed meeting him.
Am I the definitive Young Bond?
I have wanted to act since the age of six.  My family noticed how easily I remembered the dialogue of films, amazing (and often annoying) them by repeating everything that was said, word for word, just before the actor spoke.  I'm told that I do great impressions, also - I love to copy others.
Yes, I would relish the forthcoming role of Young Bond.  Although Ian Fleming made scant reference to his hero's youth, he did mention that James was an orphan who went to Eton.  Well, I'm not orphaned and I didn't attend Eton, yet the characteristics and experiences of the Young Bond as written by Charlie Higson, apply to me.
I'm tall and slim, and I was ruthlessly bullied at school, forcing Mum to remove me and teach me at home.  I did try standing up to the bullies but that often made matters worse. Once, I had money demanded from me and, foolishly, I suggested that the bullies found a job!
I had only one true friend at school - he just happened to be from an ethnic minority and we just clicked. I am a solitary individual disliking team sports and I regularly run and walk on my own. I also achieve more by studying alone.
Ciaran Brown
© Dwayne Senior
Ciaran Brown
Ciaran Brown
Ciaran Brown
© Dwayne Senior
© Dwayne Senior
© Dwayne Senior
Like Young Bond, I too had, until recently, an elderly relative who, despite failing health, told me endless stories of his World War II experiences as a Lancaster bomber pilot. I have consequently become a bit of an expert in World War II history.
Ciaran Brown
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